Blank states are used when a container has no data to show. This can happen when no results are returned while filtering, or for new users of the product when they haven't had time to create data yet. Blank should inform the user why they're seeing the blank state, and what action the user can take (if applicable) to resolve the blank state.
Blank state should:
Blank state should not:
Keep titles short and descriptive of the state. For example: "No orders match your filters". Avoid punctation at the end of the title unless you are using two sentences.
Messages should add more detail of why the blank state could be showing (if details beyond the title are needed) and suggest a path back to an ideal state. For example: "Try using less specific filters, or reset your filters to see more orders."
Primary action button should follow copy rules for buttons and help the user fix the problem. For example: "Reset filters"
When it's likely that the user has never had data in a container (never had an order, for example), using an image can draw attention to and explain a potentially new concept. You can also use an image to help reinforce complex concepts.