
A label visually and/or programmatically associates an input element with a name or caption. Use the label property of the component directly when possible e.g. EzField[label={label}]

Best Practices

Labelled items should:

  • Be associated with an <input> element. To associate the label with an input, the htmlFor attribute for the label should be set to the same value as the id attribute of the input. Alternatively, you can nest the <input> element directly inside the label.
  • Be used to label a static piece of text. In this case, the as prop is required in order to render a non-label phrasing element.
  • Be associated with only one form input (unless being used with a single child that is a collection of multiple items)

Labelled items should not:

  • Be used to label components that already contain labels, such as EzField.
  • Contain interactive elements such as anchors or buttons inside the text of a label. Doing so makes it difficult for people to activate the form input associated with the label.
  • Contain headings. Placing heading elements within a label interferes with many kinds of assistive technology, because headings are commonly used as a navigation aid.

Content guidelines

Labelled items should


  • Use prop use="primary" to label important content, like form fields.
  • Use prop use="secondary" to label supporting content, like a search field. Secondary labels are intentionally less prominent, allowing users to focus on the primary page content.
  • Use htmlFor={controlId} to associate the label with the form control. This allows the label to increase the hit-surface to focus/activate the input, as well as allowing assistive technology to identify the label when the input is focused. Alternatively, an <input> element can be nested directly inside the label to automatically associate the label with the input element.


  • Don't use prop use="secondary" with position="side"


Primary label

A label for important content.

Code example

Use htmlFor={controlId} to associate the label with the form control. This allows the label to increase the hit-surface to focus/activate the input, as well as allowing assistive technology to identify the label when the input is focused.

Secondary label

This is alternative style of top label. Use this label style when labelling controls inside the page header or subheader. This label style should also be used to provide additional context in an understated way, as not to draw the focus away from important data.

Code example

Unstyled labels

Typically labelled elements should use either the primary or secondary label styles depending on whether the element is part of the main page content, or used a supporting role. However a label may be used without any additional styles by omitting the use prop from EzLabel. This will render a label using only the current page's body text style.

Code example

Label positioning

Top labels are the default position for EzLabel and are recommended because they work better with long copy, localization, and responsive layouts. Side labels can be useful when vertical space is limited.

The label's overall position relative to the element it is labeling may be changed using the position prop.

Code example

Hidden labels

Hidden labels, with position='hidden', are used to programmatically associate an input element with a label for accessibility purposes.

Code example

Labels with error state

When provided the error prop, the label will receive error styling.

Code example

Label accessibility

Labels render <label> elements by default, allowing form elements to be programmatically associated with an identifying text caption and allows browsers to provide additional user experience benefits such as using the label to provide a larger hit-target for inputs.

To render an element that looks like a label without rendering a html <label> element, the as prop can be provided with another element type, such as: as='div' or as='span'.

This may be useful if providing a top-level label for a group of inputs where each individual input may already have a label, such as a radio button group.

NOTE: the htmlFor prop should be omitted when using the as prop. In order to retain programmatic association of the label with the content, additional aria- attributes such as aria-labelledby may be necessary.

Code example
Some text