Versioning and Changelog


The changelog is prepared manually immediately before a release. Each changelog entry should follow the Angular commit message convention, using the following groups to categorize changes:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Introduces a breaking API change (removal of a component/prop, type restrictions etc)
  • feat: New components, new variations, accessibility improvements, etc
  • fix: Bug fixes
  • perf: A code change that improved performance
  • style: Design updates (non-breaking design changes implemented in code)
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
  • docs: Documentation only changes (including content, layout or build)
  • deps: Updates to package dependencies (excluding developer tool dependencies)
  • workflow: Development workflow related changes (build/test scripts and dependencies)
  • test: Add missing tests or corrections to existing ones

Versioning scheme

The following sections detail what kinds of changes result in each of major, minor, and patch version bumps:


  • Removal of a component
  • Removal of a prop from a component
  • Restrictions added to the type accepted for a prop
  • Breaking changes to minimum version of dependencies


  • New component
  • New prop for a component
  • Additional type accepted for a prop


  • Breaking change to the HTML generated by a component, including addition, removal, or renaming of classes
  • Changes that do not impact public APIs
  • Non-breaking changes to minimum version of dependencies

Current theme

